Re: Bill Frezza

Agreeing with Judy--

At 09:57 AM 3/6/2000 , Judy Brewer wrote:
>It's spelled out pretty clearly at
>-- "Don't cc the WAI IG list with messages you are sending to other

One of the reasons for this is that when someone does a "reply
all" to a message, they may hit the WAI IG list too -- and also
there's the possibility for confusion, about why the WAI IG
list was included at all.  Someone may think that because you
included the list, *you* are speaking for the W3C, the WAI, or
the IG, and may take your comments to be "official."

>If you have a letter that you think is important for WAI IG to see, then
>you can send a separate copy to WAI IG -- but note also at
>-- "This is a large list. Keep your comments brief and to the point."
>I would not want people to just use this as a place to archive materials,

Might be better just to stick your letter up on a web site and
refer the list to the URI.

Kynn Bartlett                          
Board Member, HTML Writers Guild       
AWARE Center Director          

Received on Monday, 6 March 2000 16:02:46 UTC