Re: summary of resolutions from last 2 days

I located the following definitions of testability on the Web (re: reference to
  "testable" in excerpted message following):

"The degree to which a system or component facilitates the establishment of 
criteria and the performance of tests to determine whether those criteria 
have been met"
(source of definition not available to me at this time..)

from [1]: "A developer-oriented quality requirement specifying the ease 
with which an application
or component facilitates the creation and execution of successful tests 
(i.e., tests that cause
failures due to underlying defects)"

"Testability" is also mentioned in Point 2 of QASpecGL TestFAQ [2].


Perhaps one of these resources might help in writing guidelines and success 
criteria that are

>If this is the proposal, I support it over what is there now (modulo stuff 
>in parenthesis). It just needs to be written in a way that's testable.

Received on Monday, 20 June 2005 15:33:08 UTC