RE: A PROPOSAL TO SPLIT THE WCAG IN THREE. Please read this. I'm serious.

At 4:47 PM -0400 2001/8/20, Anne Pemberton wrote:
>	Took Chas idea of separating the guidelines into those 
>related to content and those related to coding, and ended up with 
>three groups .... those that are purely content - all decisions 
>would be out of the hands of the coder (unless the content designer 
>and coder were the same person), those that require a action and/or 
>decision by the content designer and action by the coder, and those 
>that (seem to me) to be purely the bailiwick of the coder.
>Please feel free to rip these categories to shreds.

My belief is that web accessibility consists of two things, and only
two things:

      1.  Knowing what information you need provide.
      2.  Knowing how to encode that correctly.

I think this is true for every single checkpoint, that it has both of
these qualities.  For those reasons the separation of "content" from
"coding" is inaccurate; rightly, all of the checkpoints should belong
in "mixed."

The above two points are, I believe, the purest abstraction of what
WCAG and web accessibility are all about.


Kynn Bartlett <>
Technical Developer Liaison
Reef North America
Accessibility - W3C - Integrator Network
Tel +1 949-567-7006

Received on Monday, 20 August 2001 17:27:47 UTC