Re: More on 3.4

aloha, chaals!

in your reply to matt's observation that users' can't control the speed of
flash presentations, you wrote:

CMN: In otherwords, it isn't the technology, it is the author producing
particular kinds of content.

GJR: please explain how it isn't the technology?  no matter what values the
author set, the user should (and to conform to UAAG MUST) provide a stop,
pause, and slowing mechanism for animations -- the lack thereof constitutes
a technological limitation, therefore, does it not?  moreover, the author
who created the flash object probably didn't set the speed in the first
place -- he simply created something using a tool that enables animation,
and most likely either let the tool use the default setting or used a
graphical user interface widget (such as a virtual slider or knob) to tell
the authoring program to speed up or slow down the presentation rate...
this is typically the problem with javascripted events -- most people who
insert javascript into their pages do _not_ hand code their java -- they
rely either on some sort of wizard interface, on pre-canned scripts, or
hand-hack the javascript until it does what they want it to do -- at least
with their hardware/software array and settings...  again, from the user's
point of view, these constitute technological limitations...

yes, i can open up a GIF or a JPEG with NotePad and add text, but when i
resave it, it ceases to function as a binary file...  and, unless the common
off-the-shelf and/or "download now!" authoring tool implements an RDF
cataloging interface, such as that outlined by bert and yves' note, and
common off-the-shelf slash "download now!" slash "already on the damn
machine" user agents support RDF lookups (or sites spring up providing an
intermediary interface), i don't foresee developers -- other than those
developing back-end software specifically targeted at the information
retrieval industry -- rushing to implement bert and yves' solution, no
matter how elegant (and i do think it elegant)

FRIENDLESS, adj.  Having no favors to bestow.  Destitute of fortune.
Addicted to utterance of truth and common sense.
                         -- Ambrose Bierce, _The Devil's Dictionary_
Gregory J. Rosmaita,
            Camera Obscura:

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2001 23:50:46 UTC