Re: HTML and XHTML techniques

At 6:27 PM +0000 1/2/01, Sean B. Palmer wrote:
>  > it needs to have a named person who is responsible for it.
>I think there will be a series of named people, probably because I still
>believe in multiple parts. For example, you don't seriously want one
>editor/document about HTML tables, HTML for CSS, and HTML m12n do you? That
>is a lot of burden... (X)HTML isn't the technology that it was only a
>couple of years ago: it's more interoperable now, and as such has many
>different facets.

I agree with Sean, and with Chaalz as well.  The (X)HTML document
needs chapters and it makes sense to split the burden between
various people or else we risk having too unwieldy a job.

Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Wednesday, 3 January 2001 02:16:31 UTC