w3c-wai-er-ig@w3.org from December 1999 by subject


Fwd: spawning windows not just an access problem

Fwd: Tr: $$$$$ YUMIIIII

lynx-it URL

minutes posted

one final resolution

proposal for wording to help an author determine if table is layout or data.

refs for HTML 4 table algorithms and XML accessibility

spaces and alt-text. proposal for the ERT.

Table evaluation

table linearization

Table Repair Nits

techniques for tables (clarifying how to handle nested tables for the ER group)

teleconference Monday Morning

the accessibility of the disability web

the Wave - accessibility evaluator

Updated ERT

url complex table

validation of references to missing IDs and nested tables

Last message date: Tuesday, 21 December 1999 12:51:53 UTC