WebOnt: Structured Datatypes

Concerning the WebOnt issue regarding "Structured Datatypes"
atatypes, it looks like WebOnt is running out of time to be able to create a
"deep" understanding of XML datatypes.

I am wondering if a clarification of RDF datatypes might provide us an
interim solution.

The current RDF datatypes proposal seems to consider so-called "simple" XML
Schema datatypes e.g.

    <ex:foo rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer">10</ex:foo>

might this also work for "XML" datatypes i.e. fragments of XML that are
valid with respect to a "complex" XML Schema datatype e.g.

    <ex:foo rdf:datatype="&foo;bar">
            <this> is a simple structured datatype</this>

where &foo;bar identifies an XML Schema particule analogous to the XML
datatype <!ELEMENT this (#PCDATA)>

If this is already allowed, I will propose that WebOnt close our issue and
if its not something currently allowed, do RDF Core folk consider this


Received on Monday, 28 October 2002 22:24:41 UTC