Re: RDFCore WG minutes for the Telecon 2002-02-01

At 17:35 01/02/2002 -0600, Dan Connolly wrote:

>I was really hoping we could get to a decision
>on the datatypes stuff this week, but the
>teleconference venue wasn't really enough bandwidth.
>I have more to say, but I wonder if it's productive
>to send more email-that-nobody-has-time-to-read.
>Maybe ftf bandwidth is necessary.

The volume of traffic is clearly becoming a problem. I note that in 
January, the message stats (aprox hand count) include:

   patS     125
   graham    71
   jeremy    59
   patH      40
   bwm       34
   danC     25
   jos       25
   sergey    12

I would like to see us continue to make progress before the face to face 
and will be consulting with folks on how best to do that.  In the meantime, 
please keep the discussion moving forward whilst exerting self discpline in 
the number and length of mail messages sent.

I will continue to try to summarize the key issues on datatyping which may 
help folks who don't want to read all the traffic.


Received on Sunday, 3 February 2002 12:43:56 UTC