Datatyping in Dublin Core

To see how the datatyping proposal works for Dublin Core, I decided to
convert the examples in the "Encoding Schemes" section of the Dublin Core in
RDF Draft[1] to the new datatyping proposal.

Open questions I have are noted in the comments.


*** EXAMPLE 1 ***
_:page dc:subject  _:a .
_:a    rdf:type    dct:MESH .
_:a    rdf:value  "D08.586.682.075.400" .
_:a    rdfs:label "Formate Dehydrogenase" .


_:page dc:subject  _:a .
_:a    dct:mesh   "D08.586.682.075.400" .
_:a    rdfs:label "Formate Dehydrogenase" . # @@ a better datatype for this?

*** EXAMPLE 2 ***
_:page dc:language _:a .
_:a    rdf:type    dct:RFC1766 .
_:a    rdf:value  "EN" .
_:a    rdfs:label "English" .


_:page dc:language _:a .
_:a    dct:RFC1766 "EN" .
_:a    rdfs:label "English" .

*** EXAMPLE 3 ***
_:page dc:coverage _:a .
_:a    rdf:type    dct:Point .
_:a    rdf:value   _:b .
_:b    rdf:type    dct:DCSV .
_:b    rdf:value   "name=Perth, W.A.; east=115.85717; north=-31.95301" .


_:page  dc:coverage     _:a .
_:a     dct:DCSV       "name=Perth, W.A.; east=115.85717; north=-31.95301" .
dc:DCSV rdfs:subClassOf dct:Point . # @@ is this right?

[ "Aaron Swartz" ; <> ; <> ]

Received on Friday, 12 April 2002 17:30:05 UTC