Re: Should I organize a call on the XPath Filter?

>On Tuesday 19 March 2002 19:58, John Boyer wrote:
>> From a change standpoint, defining set intersection and subtraction is a
>> relatively small change to the spec.  I think the optimizations will
>> also be easy to define and not hard on the programmer because we
>> basically only want to account for the current include/exclude cases.
>> Given the optimizations, I would certainly agree that the set operations
>> represent a preferable architecture.
>I agree that this seems to be where the consensus is headed. I'm not aware 
>of any standing opposition to set operations though there is still some 
>confusion: Christian asking about what exactly Merlin is proposing [1], and 
>my confusion about multiple transforms operating on the *original* 
>document, not their preceding transforms output [2]. So before we have a 
>call or resort to a poll I'd recommend we gather our thoughts and first 
>reflect these changed in the document. Then we can further discuss as 

To answer 2, in case it's not clear from my last message (which hopefully
addresses 1), the XPath expression is evaluated in the context of the
input document and then the result is applied to the input node set.

I think, as an aside, that a sequence of XPath, XPath filter and Enveloped
signature transforms can thus be reordered without altering the resulting
node set.


>Joseph Reagle Jr.       
>W3C Policy Analyst      
>IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
>W3C XML Encryption Chair

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Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2002 12:10:15 UTC