Re: New XPath Filter Transform

Hi John,

I read the context part, and I think it is correct; I just misunderstood
the application of the resulting subtrees. I think that include should
be specified as set intersection, as exclude is set subtraction. Set
replacement would, I think, be non-intuitive and, in my opinion, bad.
We can get set replacement behaviour using set intersection and an input
nodeset from URI #xpointer(/).

It would seem that the current exclude behaviour honours preceding URIs
and transforms, whereas the current include behaviour ignores them. I
don't like the dichotomy.


>Hi Merlin and Kent,
>Merlin's response actually doesn't match the spec as currently written.
>The result can have any nodes from the input document, and yes, Kent, the inpu
>t is immaterial except for giving us a way to obtain a document root node.
>Please see the first paragraph of Section 3.3 "Input and Evaluation Context of
> Signature Filter Transform":
>"...The XPath evaluation context for the node-set will be:
>A context node equal to the root node of the document whose node-set was provi
>ded as input to this transform..."
>John Boyer, Ph.D.
>Senior Product Architect
>PureEdge Solutions Inc.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: merlin []
>Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 8:45 AM
>Cc: TAMURA Kent;; John Boyer
>Subject: Re: New XPath Filter Transform 
>I believe that "include" is set intersection of the input
>node set with the xpath-selected regions; "exclude" is set
>subtraction. So, no; the resultant node set cannot contain
>a node which is not contained in the input node set.
>>I'll defer your question to John but apoligize that I didn't publish the 
>>editorially tweaked version (with some renaming, schema, and namespace). 
>>The latest version is at:
>>On Thursday 07 March 2002 00:29, TAMURA Kent wrote:
>>> In message "New XPath Filter Transform"
>>>     on 02/02/07, Joseph Reagle <> writes:
>>> > Thoughts? (On these syntax issues, or implementation performance)
>>> >
>>> > [1]
>>> Does this transform ignore the input nodeset except the root
>>> node?  Does a resultant nodeset contain a node which is not
>>> contained in the input nodeset but it is selected by
>>> SignatureFilter XPath expression?
>>Joseph Reagle Jr.       
>>W3C Policy Analyst      
>>IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
>>W3C XML Encryption Chair
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Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 12:25:02 UTC