Re: New Requirements Draft


I believe it is a requirement that the WebDAV group address
how interoperable clients can aid users in creating variable
content, where the variability might depend on accept headers, and,
in particular, where the variability depends on Accept-Language.

It may be that not all operations that users must perform to
author such variable content are built into the WebDAV protocol,
but certainly the specification should not be silent on the topic.

This is "in scope" for WebDAV because variable content is mainstream
in the web, although most of the variability is current per
'user agent'. It is also the case that mainstream web servers primarily
support variable content by having separate resources for each variant,
and that requiring that association in order to get WebDAV support isn't
an onerous burdon.


Received on Thursday, 28 August 1997 03:46:25 UTC