XProc Minutes 12 July 2007

See http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/07/12-minutes


                                   - DRAFT -

                            XML Processing Model WG

Meeting 74, 12 Jul 2007


   See also: IRC log[3]


           Paul, Rui, Alessandro, Alex, Norm, Andrew

           Richard, Henry




     * Topics
         1. Accept this agenda?
         2. Accept minutes from the previous meeting?
         3. Next meeting: telcon 19 July 2007
         4. Parameters and pipelines proposal
         5. Remove p:empty as an option for XPath context
         6. Catching errors
         7. Rename "name" option on p:rename
         8. Rename c:parameter-list to c:parameter-set
         9. Step changes
        10. Serialization
        11. p:serialization
        12. http-request
        13. Any other business
     * Summary of Action Items


  Accept this agenda?

   -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/07/12-agenda

   Norm notes that he added a link for 2.1 and added a 2.6


  Accept minutes from the previous meeting?

   -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/07/05-minutes


  Next meeting: telcon 19 July 2007

   We have continuing regrets from Richard and Henry. Also Rui for next week.

  Parameters and pipelines proposal


   Norm summarizes the proposal.

   Any discussion?

   Going once...


  Remove p:empty as an option for XPath context


   Norm suggests that we no longer allow the context to be empty.

   Some discussion of what to do in the case where there's no primary input
   port to default to and the expression is known not to need a context.

   <MoZ> NOrm, what are you proposing for evaluating "$foo='2'"

   Alessandro suggests binding to an empty document node.

   Norm: I suggest we direct the editor to give that a try.


   moz, do you want to call in to talk about p:map?

   We'll skip 2.3 today until Mohamed can be present.

  Catching errors

   Norm summarizes.

   Alex: Do we have a parking lot for future things?

   Norm: Not at the moment.
   ... I suggest we setup a wiki page for that, at e.g., wiki.xproc.org.

   <MoZ> +1 for wiki parking page

   Norm wonders if the supporters are content for V2.

   They appear to be.

   We'll reconsider this for V2, no change for V1.

  Rename "name" option on p:rename


   <alexmilowski> + 1 to new-name

   Norm summarizes.

   Any discussion?

   Any objections?


  Rename c:parameter-list to c:parameter-set


   Norm summarizes.

   Any discussion?

   Any objections?


  Step changes


   Alex: There's authentication, encoding stuff, and serialization options.
   Is anything other than serialization controversial?


   Alex: p:http-request and p:store both serialize.
   ... XSLT2/XQuery1 Serialization describes how to control serialization.
   ... many are similar to XSLT 1

   s/step we/spec we/

   Norm: Do you think the complex serialization stuff is needed on

   Alex: I have had to control XML serialization; given that, I can see how I
   might need to.

   Norm: Don't I also then need it on escape-markup?

   Alex: There are a few things that don't apply, but maybe.

   Norm: I worry about the implementation burden, but there is a stand-alone
   spec we can point to.

   Alex: We could say that only XML was required.

   Norm: I guess that would be ok.

   Norm decides not to persue the "p:store" vs. "p:serialize" steps.

   Alessandro: A slightly different look at it is that, at least in my mind,
   implementors will want to reuse existing code.
   ... If they have an XSLT 2 engine, they'll be OK.
   ... For implementors with XSLT 1 engines, what are they going to do? Can
   we limit the required set to just what's supported in XSLT 1?

   Alex: I'd have to reread the serialization spec to find out.

   Norm: Alex, can you look at that?

   <scribe> ACTION: Alex to review the serialization spec to see if we can
   define a set of parameter/value pairs that we require that happens to be
   supported by XSLT 1 and XSLT 2. [recorded in

   Norm: Have we accepted these ideas in principle?
   ... I guess so.


   Alex: I want to be able to reuse options on several steps.
   ... I propose a pipeline-level p:serialization element (like xsl:output)
   to handle this case.
   ... Once you have a named p:serialization element, you can refer to it
   from the p:outputs where you want it.

   Norm: This is only for p:output elements on the p:pipeline, right?

   Alex: Right.

   Norm: Maybe we could turn it around and make it like p:log where
   p:serialization points to the port it wants to be applied to.

   Any further discussion?


   Norm: What about character maps?

   Alex: I left it out.
   ... That requires even more declarations in our pipeline.

   Norm: I bet it'll come back, but I'm fine with leaving them out now.
   ... Please add an editorial note about it.


   Norm: I saw the proposal for http-get, did you also change the

   Alex: I only added the serialization and authentication options and some
   words about parsing HTML.
   ... The two issues I see are (1) is there some simplification for simple
   GETs and (2) should this be required?

   Norm: I thought we agreed to make it required.

   General agreement.

   Norm: I have real reservations about p:http-get.

   Alex: I'm not sure I follow.


   Norm attempts to summarize Henry's desire for a simple http-request option
   that just returns the response directly with no c:http-response/c:body

   Alex: If we want an href option then I think we should look at expanding
   what "p:load" does.

   Scribe fails to capture some discussion

   Norm: I guess we're splitting Henry's request in half: a simple result vs.
   a simple request.
   ... I hear Alex in favor an attribute on c:http-request for providing a
   simple response, but not on anything for providing a simple request.

   Alex: Right.

   Norm: So what distinguish a simple get from load is the authorization

   Alex: And http-request can handle non-XML stuff.

   Norm: Ok, I think I'm happy with that. If you just want to do a simple
   get, use p:load; if you want authorization or fancy encodings, get out the
   big guns.

   Alex: That sounds good to me.

   Proposal: An attribute for a simple response from p:http-request, but
   http-request does the whole deal.

   Alex: And we clarify that p:load is expected to be able to do HTTP...


  Any other business

   Norm: I want to know what stands between us and last call.
   ... Please be prepared to enumerate the issues you know of next week.


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Alex to review the serialization spec to see if we can
   define a set of parameter/value pairs that we require that happens to be
   supported by XSLT 1 and XSLT 2. [recorded in
   [End of minutes]


   [1] http://www.w3.org/
   [2] http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2007/07/12-agenda
   [3] http://www.w3.org/2007/07/12-xproc-irc
   [11] http://www.w3.org/2007/07/12-xproc-minutes.html#action01
   [13] http://www.w3.org/2007/07/12-xproc-minutes.html#action01
   [14] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
   [15] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl[14] version 1.128 (CVS
    $Date: 2007/07/12 16:06:09 $

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2007 16:07:54 UTC