clarify xpath relation to XProc


in 2.7 XPath Extension Functions section it says;

'The XProc processor must support two additional functions in XPath
expressions evaluated by the processor.'

it is not clear on what version of xpath used and xpath is implicitly supported.

A picky thing; In other specs they are clear on listing other
dependent standards. Seems like an omission  to not say something
clear about XPATH support somewhere in the status section.

Also did a bit of searching on wg disc about discussing the merits of
supporting XPATH 1 and/or 2, not much there...I might be missing

What is the position of the wg on the impact of XPATH 2 support, I am
assuming that XPATH 1 was a deliberate decision to go with.

thx in advance,
Jim Fuller

Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 12:47:31 UTC