Re: [EMOXG] Phone meeting agenda and instructions

Dear all,

Please accept my apologies for not attending yesterday's phone
meeting.  I look forward to attending the next one.  In the mean time,
happy Christmas to you all.

Dylan Evans

Senior Research Scientist
Cork Constraint Computation Centre,
University College Cork,

On 12/18/07, Marc Schroeder <> wrote:
> Dear group participants,
> please find below the agenda for tomorrow's phone meeting, as well as
> instructions on how to connect.
> Speak to you tomorrow, best wishes,
> Marc
> ======
> Date and time: 19 December 2007, 15-16 UTC
> 1. Introduction and Purpose
> Short summary what this group is about, and the goals for this second
> year. Please make sure you are familiar with the Final Report [1] of the
> first year and with the deliverables section of the Charter [2] for the
> second year.
> [1]
> [2]
> In essence, we are expected to produce:
>   * a simplified Requirements document with priorities, after 3 months;
>   * an "early Incubator draft" version of an EmotionML specification,
> after 6 months;
>   * a "final Incubator draft" version of an EmotionML specification,
> after 12 months.
> 2. Simplifying and prioritising requirements
> How? Who?
> 3. Options for an EmotionML
> Exploring our options:
>    - XML? RDF? OWL?
>    - flat or deep structures?
> How to carry out the discussion?
> 4. Date of next meeting
> Do participants agree with alternating time scheme?
> Fix regular day of week: Wednesday?
> Next meeting: Wednesday 9 January or Wednesday 30 January?
> ============
> Please connect to the meeting through two channels:
> Phone
> -----
> You can reach the W3C phone server under any of these phone numbers:
> +1-617-761-6200, +  or +44.117.370.6152.
> You will be asked to enter a "conference code" -- for the Emotion XG
> phone meeting, this is 36694# (36694="EMOXG" on the phone pad).
> Most important phone command during the conference:
> 61# = "mute", 60# = "unmute"
> ---
> In parallel, we will be tracking the agenda and action items in an IRC
> (Internet Relay Chat) session. There is sophisticated software at W3C
> linking the phone meeting to the IRC session.
> The easiest way to connect to the IRC session is using the simple
> web-based IRC client at W3C:
> Please enter your first name as the nickname, provide your real name,
> and use "#emotion" as the channel. You will be asked for a username and
> a password; enter your W3C account data here.
> Alternatively, you can download one of the many standalone IRC clients
> (on Windows, I have used; on Mac OS X, I use
>; see for more
> suggestions). The basic connection data is:
> server:, port 6665 (or, if your firewall prevents you from
> accessing that,, port 80)
> channel: #emotion
> You can test IRC access at any time, not just during the phone meeting.
> --
> Dr. Marc Schröder, Senior Researcher
> DFKI GmbH, Campus D3_2, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
> --
> official DFKI coordinates:
> Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
> Trippstadter Strasse 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
> Geschaeftsfuehrung:
> Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
> Dr. Walter Olthoff
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
> Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2007 20:26:19 UTC