PaySwarm is controlled by this group (was: Re: vs.

On 12/16/2013 04:50 PM, Ricardo Varela wrote:
> The main reason why I think rebranding is needed is because PaySwarm 
> is created and managed by Digital Bazaar Ltd

The last part of this statement is not correct. Digital Bazaar did
create the PaySwarm specs and much of the software that backs the
technology. However, control of those specs was handed over to this
Community Group some time ago. No single company has control over any of
the specifications worked on by this group (including the PaySwarm

This Web Payments CG has control over these specs. They're published
under the W3C Contributor Licensing Agreement (CLA), which means that
the W3C also has rights to do what they will with the specifications,
including putting them on a Recommendation track. The W3C CLA patent
policy applies.

> and not the sole product to be discussed, but just one of the 
> candidates to be there, along with bitcoin's, RTXP and many
> others...


> Most of which by the way should be opened to W3C by their owning 
> groups in terms compatible with W3C Patent Policy before they can 
> even be considered to move along further in the process, a
> discussion that is also worth having in the group

All of the specs listed on this groups specs page meet that criteria
already. I agree that any work that will become Rec track must meet the
criteria you outline above. It's also important to note that RDFa and
JSON-LD, which were either created initially in this group, or worked on
heavily by members of this group, are already W3C Recommendations or
will become W3C recommendations within the next 30 days.

> I guess it goes without saying that unless we produce specific 
> recommendations regarding protocols and solutions that can then be 
> implemented by a number of companies out there, all of the rest of 
> the discussions here are mostly chats over coffee :)

I completely agree. That said, what you're saying makes it sound like
none of the specifications we're currently developing fit that criteria?

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Worlds First Web Payments Workshop

Received on Monday, 30 December 2013 22:31:38 UTC