from August 2003 by thread

Re: Missing AllDisjoint? Hugh Winkler (Friday, 22 August)

a question about reasoner 朱斌 (Thursday, 28 August)

[public-webont-comments] <none> Faneyte, Diego (Thursday, 28 August)

soundness, completeness and decidability proofs Christoph Mangold (Wednesday, 27 August)

Report on Parsing the OWL tests Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 27 August)

Fwd: OWL Test Cases and Species Validation Bijan Parsia (Tuesday, 26 August)

brief implementation report, OWL Full, "surnia" Sandro Hawke (Tuesday, 26 August)

XSD namespace in guide Dave Reynolds (Thursday, 21 August)

Comment on CR AS&S Dickinson, Ian J (Tuesday, 19 August)

CR draft OWL Reference owl.rdf Dave Beckett (Tuesday, 19 August)

Re: OWL S&AS: Translation to RDF Graphs Dan Connolly (Thursday, 14 August)

Re: OWL comment - blank nodes in OWL DL Guus Schreiber (Monday, 11 August)

Fwd: O rdf:type Ontology repeatable? (was Re: O rdf:type owl:Ontology optional?) Bijan Parsia (Friday, 8 August)

O rdf:type owl:Ontology optional? Bijan Parsia (Friday, 8 August)

Re: OWL comment - data ranges (was blank nodes in OWL DL) Dave Reynolds (Friday, 8 August)

Re: unspecified domain,range in App. C of OWL Language Reference 31 March 2003 Richard H. McCullough (Tuesday, 5 August)

Last message date: Thursday, 28 August 2003 09:50:13 UTC