Re: [XHR2] onprogress Event issue

Julien Chaffraix wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We are in the process of implementing XHR onprogress attribute on
> WebKit and arises a compatibility issue with the Firefox
> implementation.
> Currently the XHR2 draft specifies that we use the ProgressEvent
> interface for onprogress events whereas Firefox uses the DocumentL&S
> LSProgressEvent interface.
> We are left wondering which way to go.
> Does someone know what the prospects are: will Firefox change its
> behavior in the future or should we ask for a modification of the
> draft?

This is definitely a good question, one that I'd like to see addressed too.

I think that if the spec remains as is Firefox would likely fire events 
that implements both the ProgressEvent interface and the LSProgressEvent 
interface, but encourage people to use the ProgressEvent interface. 
Possibly even by putting a message in the error console when the old 
interface properties are accessed.

/ Jonas

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 06:55:22 UTC