RE: potential impact

Seems that so long as the code within your HTML documents is
encapsulated within the document itself, you shouldn't be impacted.
It's external code invoked by the browser from an HTML document that is
at issue here.

-----Original Message-----
From: W. Frederick Zimmerman, Isciences LLC [] 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 8:46 AM
Subject: potential impact

For (our website), which makes extensive use of Javascript and DHTML to
support user interaction with (primarily textual) data, our initial
assessment is:

I don't believe there will be an issue...given all the 'magic' on the
client-side is sent down the pipeline with each an every
client-to-server call.  It's not resident anywhere else on the client's
system. Nonetheless...this is useful information to know.

Does this sound right?

Received on Friday, 29 August 2003 12:53:05 UTC