from October 2013 by subject

[agenda] Web Performance WG Teleconference #120 Agenda 2013-10-09

[agenda] Web Performance WG Teleconference #120 Agenda 2013-10-22

[Beacon] spec feedback + few suggestions

[High Resolution Time] Erratum

[HighResTime] Web Worker support

[minutes] Web Performance WG Teleconference #120 2013-10-23

[performance timeline] possible values for entryType

[ResourcePriorities] Implement instead of adding properties to each element

[ResourcePriorities] Spec updates

[ResourceTiming] Handling of "resourcetimingbufferfull" events makes no sense

[ResourceTiming] The clock base to use in ResourceTiming is not defined

Add potential topic in next Workshop

Call for Exclusions: Resource Priorities; Beacon

Comments about lazyload & postpone

is anyone looking at specifying something for background requests/downloads?

Issues in user-timing draft

making page visibility a property of document instead of top level browsing context

Page Visibility (Second Edition) published

Resource Priorities to FPWD

TPAC 2013 Proposed Agenda

Web Performance WG Teleconference #120 Meeting 2013-10-01

Last message date: Thursday, 31 October 2013 16:31:14 UTC