RE: 1.2.4 Action item

Thanks Peter.


I have pasted this onto the Google site as a proposal from you. We'll get
it on the next survey.


From: Alex Li <>
To: Peter Korn <>
Cc: Andi Snow-Weaver/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, ""
Date: 06/14/2012 03:10 PM
Subject: RE: 1.2.4 Action item

Hi Peter,
I see your point.  The proposed edit works for me.
All best,

From: Peter Korn []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:02 PM
To: Alex Li
Cc: Andi Snow-Weaver;
Subject: Re: 1.2.4 Action item


I agree with Andi.  I think the core of the problem is the word/concept
"responsible" in your text, which speaks to policy (vs. focusing on
technical capabilities & scope).

Here's an attempted rephrasing:
Note: while audio communications between two or more individuals is "live
audio content", such content is user generated and falls outside the scope
of the intent of this Success Criterion - that "real-time presentations" be



On 6/14/2012 12:15 PM, Alex Li wrote:
It is not clear to me how the text crosses to policy statement versus a
note when applying the WCAG outside of intended context.  It sounds like a
practical set of note to help people figure out how to delineate who can
realistically take control of which portion in meeting an SC. I understand
that we are all in new territory here and would be glad to adjust.  In any
case, a clearer set of rules would be helpful.
All best,

From: Andi Snow-Weaver []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 8:46 AM
To: Alex Li
Subject: Re: 1.2.4 Action item


This seems like a policy statement which would be out of scope for WCAG?


       IBM              Andi Snow-Weaver                   
       Research         Accessibility Standards Program    
                        Human Ability & Accessibility      
                        Tel: +1-720-663-2789               

Inactivetails for Alex Li ---06/12/2012 09:19:24
AM---Here's         my note: Call participants are content providers for
call Alex Li ---06/12/2012 09:19:24 AM---Here's my note: Call participants
are content providers for call functionality between two or more p

From: Alex Li <>
To: "" <>
Date: 06/12/2012 09:19 AM
Subject: 1.2.4 Action item

Here’s my note:
Call participants are content providers for call functionality between two
or more people.  Thus, the participants are responsible for arranging
captions where appropriate.  This SC does not imply that all calls require
captioning or rely services regardless of needs.

Alex Li
Senior Strategist
Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Group
phone: +1 (425)538-7984
mobile: +1 (206) 778-4202
Microsoft Corporation

Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 5069522
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
Green OracleOracle is committed to developing practices and
products that help protect the environment

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 21:26:54 UTC