from April to June 2016 by subject

[CFA] The 12th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2016)

[CfP] ISWC2016: Reminder, DC, SWSA Distinguished Dissertation Award, Workshops

[CfP] Reminder: Submit to ISWC2016 Doctoral Consortium!

can subqueries be executed first in SPARQL?

can subqueries be executed first in SPARQL? (no, no problem in example)

can subqueries be executed first in SPARQL? (previous example messed up)

Close to spam (was Re: [CfP] Reminder: Submit to ISWC2016 Doctoral Consortium!)

graph keyword and exists and scope

Improving EXISTS

INSERT resource CBDs into separate graphs

interaction of GRAPH and sub-SELECT

Last Call for Papers: Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2016 @ IJCAR), Coimbra, Portugal, Deadline May 17th *NEW* (was May 9th, 2016)

PhD Scholarships in Computer Science at the Free Univ. of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)

PhD Scholarships in Computer Science in Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) - DEADLINE 8 JUNE.

problem with blank nodes in EXISTS solution mappings

problems with EXISTS

proposal for a mapping-based definition of EXISTS in SPARQL (and a proposal for a definition of pre-binding)

Proposed updates to the SPARQL 1.1 test suite

Research Fellow in Large Scale Linked Data Infrastructure (Insight / NUIG)

RR 2016 Final call for papers - abstract submission: 23 May

Semantic of FILTER NOT IN / literal comparison

Unacceptable use of our mailing lists (was Re: RR 2016 Final call for papers - abstract submission: 23 May)

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2016 19:40:05 UTC