on the turtle serialization of SHACL

The current version of the SHACL document contains "The Turtle serialization
of the SHACL vocabulary is part of the normative specification. However, the
values of rdfs:label and rdfs:comment in that file are not normative.",
pointing to a Turtle document available on the web.

In what sense is this document normative?

Would removing the line "rdfs:subClassOf sh:Constraint ;" from the part of
the document about sh:Shape change anything about SHACL?  Would adding
"sh:PropertyConstraint rdfs:subClassOf sh:Shape." somewhere to the document
change anything about SHACL?  Would removing "rdfs:domain sh:Shape ;" from
the part of the document about sh:property change anything aobut SHACL?
Would changing "owl:" to "rowl:" throughout the document change anything
about SHACL?  Would changing the document in any way change SHACL?

Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Nuance Communications

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2016 23:51:15 UTC