from December 2016 by subject

"RDF node" and "node" in SHACL document

a problem with shapes and constraints

difference between sh:hasValue and sh:in

Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good

Enough already

Making SHACL Work For Industry

more sloppiness in the SHACL document

on divergence between textual and SPARQL definitions

on sh:resultPath

on the turtle serialization of SHACL

on validation reports

on values

SPARQL Maintenance (EXISTS) Community Group [Was: Enough already]

The flexibility of SPARQL/SPIN in SHACL is needed

The future of SHACL

WG Outlook

Why not adopt ShEx? (was Re: Enough already)

why retain sh:predicate in property constraints?

Last message date: Saturday, 17 December 2016 09:18:02 UTC