Re: Roadmap to CSS validator release - your participation welcome

Le 7 déc. 2006 à 14:01, olivier Thereaux a écrit :
> On Dec 6, 2006, at 14:49 , Karl Dubost wrote:
>> I have modified line 87 to 100.
>> Not committed yet. Tell me if I should.
> [snip] looks good. go ahead. We have a test instance on qa-dev,  
> here's the process.
> * ssh root@qa-dev


> * cd /usr/local/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/WWW/css-validator/


> * cvs update


> * if code has been modified, also do:
>   javac -O `find . -name \*.java`
> * if necessary, restart jigsaw by doing screen -r , ctrl-c, up and  
> return (as root)

does that mean I need to edit the files in one local editor, either  
emacs or vi.

>> Though I have an issue I wanted to get rid of ul at the level of  
>> vAtRule. The problem is that this piece of code is in the HTML  
>> template and not in the java code. :) There's an in-between thing  
>> going on here :)
> The fact that the markup is in the template is not such a bad  
> thing. Ideally of course we would have a three-tiered solution as  
> you suggest (code without markup, markup, and localized messages)  
> enforced more strictly.
> There may be a reason why the opening <ul ... is in the templates  
> and the closing one in the java code, but I doubt it. Markup should  
> be moved to the templates if possible.

yep +1

>> Do we have a testing instance of the CSS validator somewhere so  
>> when we modify we can test? Though I guess I could install it on  
>> my laptop. :)
> Yes, see above. Ping me if you need help with it.

So to be really sure to understand. I test there, and then if it's  
good I can commit on the real stuff?

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Monday, 11 December 2006 03:51:52 UTC