Re: Integrating XACML and WS-Policy


I see there is an xsd [1] from 2007-08-10.
Also related slides from a webinar [2].


At 02:12 PM 2007-10-17, ashok malhotra wrote:

>One of the things we are worrying about is using XACML for 
>authorization wrapped in WS-Policy assertions.  Anne Anderson, 
>formerly of SUN, did some work on this.  I'm reproducing links from 
>a note that she sent me an year ago.  I'm wondering if there has 
>been any further work in this area and any experience people have.
>The links ...
>Web Services Profile of XACML (WS-XACML) Version 1.0, WD 5, 9 October
>2006 is now available at
>A overview is posted at
>although this overview focuses on changes between the published 
>draft and the earlier e-mail proposal for such a profile.
>All the best, Ashok

Received on Friday, 19 October 2007 17:22:25 UTC