RE: possible goals for 'less technical doc'

> - to be readable by a wider audience than the other FPWDs
> - to allow this wider audience to understand the intended direction of
> the WG
> - to allow this wider audience to help adjust the direction of the WG
> before we have done a lot of work as a WG

> This would allow comments along the lines of:
> - have you considered this other possible new feature?
> - that feature looks like a lot of work, and the motivation looks a bit
> skimpy?
> - is that feature really needed?

[VK] This is great!
Some key contributions could also be:
- To convey the value proposition of OWL 1.1 in various usage scenarios
- To help determine aspects of OWL 1.1 constructs that may not be useful or even
disadvantageous in an operational context.


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Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2007 00:07:55 UTC