Re: properties of properties and DL reasoners

On 5/6/08 7:23 AM, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> I've being looking in depth at the OWL 1 Full semantics (again, sigh) ...
> I note that the classes of properties (FP,IFP, SP, TP) and the 
> inverseOf property all have iff definitions. These correspond to the 
> conditions in the direct semantics.
> Is it the case that DL reasoners can actually answer entailment 
> questions depending on this e.g.
> If C is a class consisting of a singleton, and p is a property with 
> domain and range C, then we necessarily have that p is in FP, IFP, SP 
> and TP and that p is its own inverse.
> Moreover if q also has domain and range p, and both q and p are non 
> empty then they are equivalentProperties, and also each others inverse.
> Do DL reasoners answer these sorts of question?

Yes, DL reasoners can answer such entailment queries. Any OWL entailment 
query can be reduced to an unsatisfiability check in DL reasoning as 
shown in [1]. Pellet supports these kind of queries. For example, browse 
a similar ontology [2] in OwlSight [3] and the inferences for the 
property will be listed (in this example only symmetry and functionality 
is inferred from asserted axioms).


> Ta
> Jeremy

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 13:19:07 UTC