Hello, n3

Hi all, thanks for joining the n3-dev CG.

Since the holiday season is fast approaching, we should perhaps aim to
start ramping up communications and efforts from the new year.

If you know anybody else who may be interested in joining, or should be
involved, please encourage them to join the CG via

In the interim, please do share anything you think is pertinent, including
related background reading and references, or anything you'd like to
discuss. It may also be useful to start collating implementations, any
nuances or bugs that have been found after working with the current
specification [1] (see also [2]), also suggestions on what could be
improved / simplified / expanded / removed.

Let's all get on the same page, agree what to do, and get it done.

Personally I'll commit time, discussion, spec writing, mistakes, and
working reference implementation(s). Throughout the current decade I've
frequently thought or said I/you/we could do this with n3, so before the
turn of the next decade, *I want* to be using n3+rules daily, at scale, and
will do my utmost to facilitate you all in using it for what you want or
need too.

Thanks all, and I look forward to working you all in the coming months,


[1] https://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/n3/
[2] https://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3.html

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2018 20:03:49 UTC