Re: Hello, n3

Thanks Nathan for getting this going!

To introduce myself, I've been involved with Semantic Web technology 
since about 2002-2005, when I was a W3C Fellow from Hewlett-Packard 
(HP).   Since about 2009 my focus has been on applying this technology 
to healthcare and life sciences.  I am a co-founder of the Yosemite 
Project, which seeks to promote RDF as the basis for healthcare data 
And as you probably know, :)  a big concern of mine lately is about how 
we can make the whole RDF ecosystem easier to use, so that *average* 
developers can be successful with it.

I have always liked the simplicity of N3, and have been previously 
disappointed that it hadn't gotten more standardization and tooling 
uptake.  I can probably help with discussion and editing -- possibly more.

I also wonder if N3 could be a good starting point for a higher-level 
RDF language -- N4? -- that would provide direct support for n-ary 
relations, property graphs, etc., to make user's lives even easier. 
However, it may be best to treat that as a separate effort, to avoid 
slowing down N3 standardization.

David Booth

On 11/29/18 3:03 PM, Nathan Rixham wrote:
> Hi all, thanks for joining the n3-dev CG.
> Since the holiday season is fast approaching, we should perhaps aim to 
> start ramping up communications and efforts from the new year.
> If you know anybody else who may be interested in joining, or should be 
> involved, please encourage them to join the CG via 
> In the interim, please do share anything you think is pertinent, 
> including related background reading and references, or anything you'd 
> like to discuss. It may also be useful to start collating 
> implementations, any nuances or bugs that have been found after working 
> with the current specification [1] (see also [2]), also suggestions on 
> what could be improved / simplified / expanded / removed.
> Let's all get on the same page, agree what to do, and get it done.
> Personally I'll commit time, discussion, spec writing, mistakes, and 
> working reference implementation(s). Throughout the current decade I've 
> frequently thought or said I/you/we could do this with n3, so before the 
> turn of the next decade, /I want/ to be using n3+rules daily, at scale, 
> and will do my utmost to facilitate you all in using it for what you 
> want or need too.
> Thanks all, and I look forward to working you all in the coming months,
> Nathan
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Friday, 30 November 2018 15:47:12 UTC