[all] suggestions for consolidating requirements

Dear all,
I have four further suggestions for consolidating requirements that I'd 
like to discuss briefly on the call with the relevant people:

Moritz, Des: I think there is potential to combine 'confidentiality' 
with 'contentLicensingTerms', with confidentiality being a specific 
value of contentLicensingTerms, whcih could perhaps be relaised using 
Creative Commons license classes

DaveL, Moritz: Could localeSpecificContent be consolidated with 
dropRule, e.g. specifying the content should be drops for specific 
locales, for every translation, or for every translation except 
specified locales?

DaveL, Pedro: I think we could consolidate author, revisionAgent and 
translationAgent, with a generic 'agent' bound to a process spec, 
aligning with work in the W3C Provenance Working Group, 

Pedro, Dabiel, Declan, Tadej: I think there may be opportunity to 
consolidate mtDisambiguationData, namedEntity, terminology and 
textAnalyticsAnnotation. For instance is MT disambiguation really 
terminology support for MT?

comments weclome,


Received on Thursday, 26 April 2012 12:23:57 UTC