ACTION 515 -New CSS approach


This is a summary of what we  have already committed regarding CSS


*So far, what was previously committed in CVS was explained in

 a mail some days ago but the main points were:


            -Java classes for represent CSS resources.

            -Representation in moki of CSS validation info.

            -Representation in moki of CSS test specific info.


*As Sean said, the last point was not very correct (having an

doc with mobileOK test specific info) so we tried to proceed with using

functions from XSLT (similar approach to Caching test). 

But we desisted from this approach because Java functions would not
return primitives

types but blocks of XML result code, which it is not a very good

In addition tests classes would need visibility of PreprocessorResults
to extract CSS info

(what is not contained in moki) 


*So this week, we (basically Miguel) go on with another different
approach to fulfil

this problem. This is a pseudo serialization of CSS in XML in the
following format:





               <property name="color">rgb(0, 0, 204)</property>




               <property name="color">rgb(0, 0, 204)</property>





And we have modified MeasuresTest and StylesheetsSupportTest to deal

this approach and also in order to use the new result template.


Any feedback on this will be welcome. :-)


CTIC team

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 12:17:03 UTC