Re: Design goal regarding HTML5

On 07/09/2012 03:41, John Cowan wrote:
> It's not valid in HTML5 to write a void element as a start-tag/end-tag
> pair.  It is likewise not valid to write a non-void element with an
> empty-tag.

Yes true and that's why I pushed the polyglot spec to make xml well 
formed and html5-valid as pre-requisites for the document before it 
starts enumerating the extra conditions required to get compatible xml 
and html parse. (The <mfrac><p>a</p> example I posted in this thread is 
similarly not valid).

But I was addressing Stephen's explicit point that perhaps html change 
may specify that /> denotes empty/void. I think that is very unlikely 
(and convergence with XML is a more or less explicit non-goal in the 


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