Re: Design goal regarding HTML5

Stephen D Green scripsit:

> Should I detect here an aim towards a grand unification (HTML / XHTML /
> XML) facilitated via MicroXML? That seems to me a very worthy cause:
> Idenitfy those minimal changes needed to achieve such unification (what
> needs to be removed from XML and from HTML to achieve convergence -
> let XML drop things to get MicroXML and let HTML relax a few things
> such as the DOCTYPE declaration and maybe the prefixes on attributes
> in the SVG component).

In my opinion, there is nothing we can do to affect either the HTML
juggernaut or the XML monolith.  The one moves on regardless, and the
other remains the same regardless.

Evolutionary psychology is the theory           John Cowan
that men are nothing but horn-dogs,   
and that women only want them for their money.
        --Susan McCarthy (adapted)

Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 02:40:10 UTC