from January 2003 by subject

[I18N-WSTF] [REMINDER] Teleconference Tomorrow

[I18N-WSTF] Reminder: Teleconference TOMORROW

[I18N-WSTF] Teleconference Notes for 7 January 2003

[I18N-WSTF] Teleconference Notes...

[WSTF] "Published" draft requirements document

[WSTF] My view... [long]

[WSUS] Sec 2.1.x Data Integrity --- does Unicode gurantees character encoding interoperability?

[WSUS] Sec 2.1.x Data Integrity --- does Unicode gurantees characterencoding interoperability?

Attending WSDL and WS Arch WG meetings next week

difference in semantics of lang attribute between XML and HTML

Editors draft updated.

I18N FTF / Tech Plenary Registration

My POV [long]

Possiblity of recharter need...

Some comments on User Scenarios

The very early beginnings of classification...

use case requiring failure if locale is not available

Use case: For fault messages, always include English alternative ?

Last message date: Friday, 31 January 2003 15:48:00 UTC