Re: Encrypted Media proposal: Summary of the discussion so far

On Mon, 05 Mar 2012 06:59:43 -0000, Glenn Adams <> wrote:

>> > However, I would bet that for *some* applications the protection that
>> > ClearKey affords can be satisfactory.
>> Note that HTML now supports a superset of the ClearKey feature:
> Just because you spec'd the feature and threw it into a WhatWG draft  
> does not mean that "HTML now supports" it.
> What browsers implement it and what vendors have declared their  
> intention to implement it?

I can't speak for vendors, but I hope it is not going to raise objections,  
as it does not involve components that are undefined or cannot be freely  
licensed. As it stands, despite having quite short spec, it's fully  

It also works without JavaScript, supports more than just video and is  
even HTML-agnostic, so I think that's an attractive alternative to the  
ClearKey system of the Encrypted Media proposal, so it has changes for  
adoption, assuming vendors are interested a clearkey solution in the first  

> Given the ongoing discussion around this topic, I would suggest it is  
> premature to introduce this feature before a reasonable consensus  
> emerges and some amount of agreement on how to proceed has been obtained.
> In the mean time, I would object to including this feature in a W3C  
> draft until the WG has had an opportunity to discuss and agree on it.

Drafts do not represent consensus. They are only a base for the discussion.

We've been discussing a specification that only defines a ClearKey  
encryption for a while now, and this particular solution has been drafted  
in response to use-cases outlined by Mark Watson.

If this solution has weaknesses or is not sufficient for cases ClearKey  
was intended for, then of course please speak up about those issues —  
that's the right place and time to do it.

regards, Kornel Lesiński

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 12:12:30 UTC