Re: SVG in text/html

On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 20:22:51 +0200, Jeff Schiller <>  
> If browsers can provide an 'export DOM as XML' function as part of its
> standard functionality, then my concern melts away with the proposal as  
> it stands (stood), since round-tripping then becomes feasible.  Has this  
> been considered by both SVG and HTML groups?

As far as I can tell this is encouraged by the draft specification, but  
it's not required from user agents, because such user agent user interface  
requirements are out of scope. This is what the draft says:

"To enable authors to use MathML tools that only accept MathML in its XML  
form, interactive HTML user agents are encouaraged to provide a way to  
export any MathML fragment as a namespace-well-formed XML fragment." --  
3.12.15 MathML

"To enable authors to use SVG tools that only accept SVG in its XML form,  
interactive HTML user agents are encouaraged to provide a way to export  
any SVG fragment as a namespace-well-formed XML fragment." -- 3.12.16 SVG

(I guess the statement regarding SVG is still in there because you can  
also have SVG in text/html using the DOM which is how most libraries  
currently use it.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2008 18:43:54 UTC