Re: Choosing name for XML serialization (Was: Re: HTML5 differences from HTML4 editor's draft (XHTML5 and XHTML2))

Le 21 juin 2007 à 19:12, Jirka Kosek a écrit :
> But shouldn't this be resolved now rather then later? It will be quite
> confusing to users if two groups will in parallel develop "future
> version of XHTML" or "maintain XHTML namespace".

Given what I'm reading below. The HTML 5 Spec doesn't maintain the  

Though it has absolutely no effect and no meaning, the html element,  
in HTML documents, may have an xmlns attribute specified, if, and  
only if, it has the exact value "". This  
does not apply to XML documents.

In HTML, the xmlns attribute has absolutely no effect. It is  
basically a talisman. It is allowed merely to make migration to and  
from XHTML mildly easier. When parsed by an HTML parser, the  
attribute ends up in the null namespace, not the " 
2000/xmlns/" namespace like namespace declaration attributes in XML do.

In XML, an xmlns attribute is part of the namespace declaration  
mechanism, and an element cannot actually have an xmlns attribute in  
the null namespace specified.
]]] -- HTML 5
Fri, 22 Jun 2007 01:46:51 GMT

* For the HTML version. It has no effect and can't be omitted.
* So the question is the namespace for the serialization of HTML 5 as  
   Another possibility is to choose a different namespace for the xml  
serialization. Then no conflicts with XHTML 2 WG on the namespace.

   For the name and given the new nature of HTML 5 (Web applications  
oriented), there might be two possible strategies.

* A long (useless) fight between the two camps. Plus a lot of  
communication to handle in the Web community with regards to  
questions. As the current staff contact, I'm not very inclined of  
having to coordinate between two groups that much polarized ;) not  
good for the stress level.
* Choosing another path and changing the name altogether with  
something more aligned with the idea of what the language is a  
language for Open Web Applications.

The World Wide Web's markup language has always been HTML. HTML was  
primarily designed as a language for semantically describing  
scientific documents, although its general design and adaptations  
over the years has enabled it to be used to describe a number of  
other types of documents.

The main area that has not been adequately addressed by HTML is a  
vague subject referred to as Web Applications. This specification  
attempts to rectify this, while at the same time updating the HTML  
specifications to address issues raised in the past few years.
]]] -- HTML 5
Fri, 22 Jun 2007 01:46:51 GMT

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 03:03:41 UTC