from May 2014 by subject

[Bug 25536] New: Make persisted session removal more explicit

[Bug 25537] New: Expose expiration information to the application

[Bug 25580] New: Add Informative Reference to Byte Stream Format Registry in MSE editors draft.

[Bug 25581] New: Establish a update process & home for byte stream format registry and byte stream specs.

[Bug 25594] New: The read-only attribute usableKeyIds cannot be variable length

[Bug 25595] New: Better definitions needed for session, keys and license

[Bug 25845] New: Clarify that SourceBuffer.buffered is supposed to behave like HTMLMediaElement.buffered for muxed content.

[Bug 25846] New: The end of stream algorithm should fire an "error" event at the SourceBuffer on decode errors.

[Bug 25850] New: Specify getter/setter behavior SourceBuffer.trackDefaults

[Bug 25866] New: "needkey" event name is misleading

[Bug 25896] New: Why is EME creating new DOMException subclasses?

[Bug 25899] New: [EME] exception names shouldn't vary between specs

[Bug 25900] New: [EME] MediaKeys.loadSession(sessionId) should specify what happens if a loaded sessionId is passed

[Bug 25901] New: [EME] HTMLMediaElement.mediaKeys should be nullable

[Bug 25902] New: [EME] Don't use Date for MediaKeySession.expiration

[Bug 25903] New: [EME] Tighten up MediaKey Events definitions

[Bug 25911] New: HTMLSourceElement's IDL keysystem attribute should reflect the keyststem content attribute

[Bug 25918] New: Remove keySystem attribute from MediaKeySession

[Bug 25920] New: Remove extraction of default URL from createSession() algorithm

[Bug 25923] New: isTypeSupported should be asynchronous

[Bug 25938] New: [MSE]

[EME] Bug 25269 - Add a container-independent initialization data type for providing a list of key IDs to createSession()

[EME] Editorship

[EME] Preparations for TF meeting on Tue Jun 2

[EME] reuse of session

[EME] Spec now uses promises

[EME] To what extent should EME support usage rules?

[MSE] Alternate proposal for resolving Bug 24370

[MSE] Inconsistent error reporting for appendBuffer/appendStream

[MSE] MPEG audio byte stream format spec.

[MSE] Resolving Bug 24370

[MSE] Spec Updates Published

[MSE] Summary of "Resolving Bug 24370" thread and proposed next steps

[NEW] Media Task Force Wiki

EME/MSE telcon regrets

Media TF meeting on Tue May 27 is cancelled

Mozilla blog: DRM and the Challenge of Serving Users

MSE CR test case comments

New MSE bugs: 25845, 25846 and 25850

{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2014-05-06 - MSE and EME status and bug discussion

{agenda} HTML WG media telecon 2014-05-13 - EME status and bug discussion

{minutes} HTML WG media telecon 2014-05-06 - MSE and EME status and bug discussion

{minutes} HTML WG media telecon 2014-05-13 - EME status and bug discussion

Last message date: Saturday, 31 May 2014 19:56:24 UTC