Bugs organisation

Hi all,

we currently have a bunch of different places with bugs against the HTML 

Under product HTML WG, by component:
CR HTML5 spec		8 bugs
HTML5 spec		127 bugs
LC1 HTML5 spec		2 bugs
maincontent element	4 bugs
pre-LC1 HTML5 spec	3 bugs

Under product HTML.next, by component:
default			115 bugs

That's a bit of a mess. I'd like to propose the following organisation:

• HTML WG/CR HTML5 spec: all the bugs that we plan to fix inside of the 
CR (typically, typos and various kinds of must-have fixes).

• HTML WG/HTML 5.1: all the bugs that we plan to fix in 5.1.

• HTML.next/default: anything that we might consider for 5.2, but not 
now (at this stage, I don't expect there to be anything in there).

That involves going through the above list of 259 bugs and moving them. 
I don't want to presume that existing bugs are well-categorised, except 
for HTML.next bugs which I think can be mass-moved to 5.1.

Any thoughts? If no one objects, I'll go ahead and do that.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 16:51:14 UTC