CP, ISSUE-30: Link longdesc to role of img [Was: hypothetical question on longdesc]

Chairs, Laura and all,

Please accept this change proposal to allow @longdesc on any *embedded* 
element in the HTML namespace which has the  implied or specified 'img' 


The main idea of the CP:

* To allow @longdesc on any *embedded* HTML namespace element of 
  role 'img': img, iframe, canvas, embed, object. 
* To say that @longdesc should only be used for describing images,
  and thus not for describing e.g. tables - tables can be a task
  for ARIA-describedAT, and I justify why in the CP.
* The limitation to embedded content is because, on such elements,
  contextual menus - which is how longdesc is typically presented,
  have pretty good discoverability in non-AT user agents: Users
  tend to use context menus on such elements. Compared to on 
  'normal' elements, which usually do not have context menus,
  except a general context menu for to the entire page.

For the video element, then I am open to consider the idea of that 
@longdesc could point to a poster description: It makes some sense, as 
the poster is an image. But I have so far not included that in the CP.
Leif Halvard Silli

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2012 06:44:52 UTC