Re: Machine-readable data licenses

Hi Deidre,

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 6:50 PM, Lee, Deirdre <> wrote:

> What are your thoughts on how ODRS does/could address:
> a)      interoperability issues of data licenses
Licence compatibility is a difficult issue, I've done some fairly extensive
research as part of the ODRS work, and have collected together pointers

Compatibility is a very difficult thing to capture, mainly because many of
the significant details are in licensing terms that aren't easy to capture
in a machine-readable way. Licensing tools typically focus on the key
provisions of a licence, e.g. share-a-like but can't give a definitive
answer (you need a lawyer to run the legal code on ;)

My preferred approach is to:

* ensure licenses and key pieces of information are discoverable, including
attribution statements
* that licences are described with some basic metadata (the Creative
Commons ccRel vocabulary covers this, as do several others)

I believe that's enough to provide some clarity for data consumers. Coupled
with general encouragement to use standard rather than custom licences, I
think this will move things in the right direction.

>  b)      Machine-readable SLA terms, with a focus on industry reuse

I'd take the same approach here, capture essential details, e.g. support
contact details, support windows, rate limiting and usage quotas, but also
ensure that there are clear pointers to human-readable documentation to
cover the rest.



Leigh Dodds
Freelance Technologist
Open Data, Linked Data Geek
t: @ldodds

Received on Monday, 24 March 2014 19:40:54 UTC