Editorial comments about "Web Application Privacy Best Practices"

Some of these I noticed while spot checking, but I'm letting MS Word 2010 walk me through the document....

General note:
Do we want to say "the user" always instead of "a user"?

This is classic diff format:
< old text
> replacement text

Note that I'm not including full context as it just makes it harder to read/find/do something

< anticipates to eventually publish
> anticipates eventually publishing

< how it will user 
> how it will use

< remembering a billing address, 
> remembering a billing address;

< When doing so the service should make it clear to a user which information is retained, how it is used,
> When doing so the service should make it clear to a user which information is retained and how it is used.

< and give the user an opportunity to correct or remove the information.
> It should give the user the opportunity to correct or remove the information.

< allow the user to easily view and change these previous decisions.
> allow the user to easily view and change their previous decisions.

< Focus on usability should improve a service
> Focusing on usability should improve a service

< choosing a choice that
> instead making a choice that

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Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2012 16:06:35 UTC