Re: is there an implementation of Shape Expressions that correctly handles recursive shapes?

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Thanks, I've got it.

However, it appears that I need some documentation on the language that it
accepts.  I tried it out with an example that works for other Shape
Expressions systems, and got

Line 2 : Expecting the TYPES keyword.
 #### The schema ####
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
 at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(
 at java.util.HashMap$

I pretty sure that TYPES is not a keyword in Shape Expressions as defined in
the W3C submission.


On 03/24/2015 08:54 AM, Iovka Boneva wrote:
> You can find here a archive containing - an executable jar file
> containing a command line utility for testing our algorithm for
> validation of RDF graphs against deterministic single occurrence ShEx
> schema: Algorithm 1 in our ICDT 2015 paper - 3 example files for running
> the program - all the required libraries (mainly jena)
> These are provided as is, with a very minimal user interface. If you have
> questions, please contact me by mail.
> The file is available for download until April 24. Please contact me if
> you want to have it after that date. 
> Iovka
> Le 20/03/2015 20:08, Peter F. Patel-Schneider a écrit : Yes, please send
> me a copy of the system.
> Thanks,
> peter
> On 03/20/2015 11:55 AM, Iovka Boneva wrote:
>>>> I sent my previous mail by error before  finishing it...  so didn't
>>>> have the occasion to say that unfortunately these  implementations
>>>> are not accessible for testing. As I said they were made for our
>>>> own needs as proof  of concept, and do not have friendly user
>>>> interface. I am however willing to send the API in a jar file,
>>>> together with example code on how to use it, if  somebody wants to
>>>> play with that. Unfortunately next week I won't have time to do
>>>> more (and anyway my technical skills are insufficient for
>>>> publishing it for testing on the web, while spending a reasonable
>>>> amount  of time on that).
>>>> My main point was that there are indeed working implementations
>>>> with recursion.
>>>> Now to answer Peter's questions: - the first algorithm is indeed
>>>> for subclass of ShEx, which merely corresponds to the first version
>>>> of ShEx (no repetition of symbols). It is however not so limiting,
>>>> as it allows to handle a lot of the identified use cases, and can
>>>> be easily extended for handling more cases,  as I already explained
>>>> in a previous mail; - the second one is for full ShEx,  (therefore
>>>> its worse case complexity is not linear, and right  now I cannot
>>>> give figures on its actual performance in practice).
>>>> Iovka
>>>> Le 20/03/2015 17:05, Peter F. Patel-Schneider a écrit : On
>>>> 03/20/2015 08:42 AM, Iovka Boneva wrote:
>>>>>>> We do have 3 implementations of recursive shapes with bag 
>>>>>>> semantics, for 2 different algorithms - one for validating
>>>>>>> against deterministic schemas w/o repetitions, with a set of
>>>>>>> pre-typed root nodes. It is written in Java using jena, and
>>>>>>> works both with in-memory RDF-graphs, and using the Jena
>>>>>>> RDF-database API. Written by myself;
>>>> So this implementation is only for part of Shape Expressions?
>>>>>>> - one for the same algorithm written in Python also using RDF
>>>>>>> API, written by Slawek Staworko and Samuel Hym;
>>>> And this implementation is also only for part of Shape
>>>> Expressions?
>>>>>>> - one for validation of a whole graph w/o pre-typed root
>>>>>>> nodes, using our greatest fixed point algorithm. Also written
>>>>>>> in Python by Slawek and Samuel.
>>>> Does this implementation handle all of Shape Expressions?  Is there
>>>> an on-line demo?  How can I get a copy of the system?
>>>>>>> Our implementations were written for "proof of concept" prior
>>>>>>> to our publication. We also have an algorithms for generating
>>>>>>> large graphs on which we tested our implementations, and they
>>>>>>> indeed ran in linear time in the size of the graph, as they
>>>>>>> were supposed to from theoretical point of view.
>>>>>>> Iovka
>>>> peter
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Received on Tuesday, 24 March 2015 19:00:58 UTC