Re: shapes-ISSUE-41 (property paths (sh:path?)): Using property paths to refer to values/types? [SHACL Spec]

Holger Knublauch <> wrote on 04/08/2015 01:03:05 PM:

> ...
> Not sure why you keep coming back to the topic of splitting the 
> documents. We just had a vote on this, and more people were in favor
> of a single document than multiple documents.

For what it's worth, while there is a couple more votes in favor of 
keeping a single document, there is one more vote against it (-1) than the 
other way around. So when it comes to establishing consensus splitting the 
doc has less opposition and could be considered the winning option, 
although there is clearly no consensus one way or another.
But that's not at all what my point was about. So, I don't know why you 
keep jumping on the topic of splitting the documents every time I make a 
reference to it. ;-)

Seriously, my point was merely about statements that you've made at 
various times that I can't quite reconcile. You're saying it's because I 
take them out of context. I don't think so but, ok.

> And again you quote me out of context. I am against the splitting of
> documents if this risks a situation in which the Core gets 
> standardized while the SPARQL bits do not get standardized. Only in 
> that situation my point is that the SHACL core language alone would 
> be a step backwards in the evolution of the semantic web space, 
> because it will cause a fragmentation of the market without adding 
> much that OWL didn't already have.

I understand that's your opinion, others would disagree. For one thing, 
the fact that OSLC based products, from IBM as well as other vendors, make 
use of OSLC Resource Shapes because nothing else fulfilled their needs is 
a case in point.

>    From my point of view, the jury is still out on what the high level 
>    functionality ought to cover. 
> Then we need specific proposals and vote on them.

I agree. I just wanted to highlight that this was still in flux and not 
set yet.

> ...
> Holger

Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Technologies - 
IBM Software Group

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 21:04:21 UTC