Re: intermediaries, implicit gzip, etags, no-transform

On Sun, 22 Jun 2014 01:50:55 +0200, Eric J. Bowman <>  

> "Martin Nilsson" wrote:
>> And we can know if the request is coming from XHR. We can also know
>> if the resource is inspected, saved, etc. since it is our UA code.
> And intermediaries? How are they to know any of this, since it isn't
> *their* UA code?
>> The response code doesn't have any semantic value here though, since
>> the UA already knows that the resource is transformed.
> Maybe not to you, but without those semantics, how can intermediaries
> participate in the communication? That's where the semantic value comes
> in -- even if it isn't relevant to you, interoperability is relevant to
> the other components you don't have control over, is the point here.

The protocol is not designed to interop. The latest version released is a  
SPDY derived protocol not running on port 80. We plan to start encrypting  
it soon, if we aren't already in the latest release.

/Martin Nilsson

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Received on Sunday, 22 June 2014 00:09:17 UTC