RE: Specification of "text-align-last" property


> "When breaking a block by an included block, is the last line
> before the included block affected by text-align-last?"

the answer is yes.

The correct handling should be:
   1.) The last line before any embedded block/block-container 
       should obey the text-align-last property.
   2.) The first line in the outer block following the embedded
       block/block-container should obey text-align and should 
       NOT have text-indent applied.

This is covered in the XSL 1.1 spec by the wording at in the last paragraph 
of section 7.16.10 "text-align-last" which reads:

 Specifies the alignment of the last line-area child
 of the last block-area generated and returned by the
 formatting object, and to any line-area generated by
 the formatting object whose following sibling is a
 block-area that is not a line-area, and any lines in
 the block ending in U+000A. 

for the XSL FO SG

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Holger Flörke
> Sent: Tuesday, 2006 November 07 06:15
> To:
> Subject: Specification of "text-align-last" property
> I noticed a different behaviour of the two main XSL-FO-Processors
> RenderX XEP and AntennaHouse XSLFormatter with respect to the
> "text-align-last" property of XSL-FO. Both support-teams say they are
> right. Maybe I can get an "official" answer from the list.
> The problem can be summarizes as: "When breaking a block by 
> an included
> block, is the last line before the included block affected by
> text-align-last?"
> For Example:
> <fo:block text-align="justify" text-align-last="justify">
>   brah brah<fo:block/>brah<fo:leader leader-pattern="dots"/>
> </fo:block>
> will result in
> """
> brah      brah
> brah..........
> """
> (notice the alignment of the first line)
> or in
> """
> brah brah
> brah..........
> """
> I am not really sure which one is conform to XSL-FO 1.1. Maybe someone
> can help.
> Best Regards,
> Holger
> -- 
> holger floerke                      d  o  c  t  r  o  n  i  c
> email          information publishing + retrieval
> phone +49 228 92 682 00   

Received on Monday, 13 November 2006 15:36:08 UTC