RE: "color" property for fo:bookmark-title

Dear Editors:

I am adding some comments/questions to a previous thread. These comments
concern properties for fo:bookmark-title, but not to "color" specifically,
as my previous post did.

1. For the property "font-style" should values other than "normal" and
"italic": a)generate an error, b) generate a warning, or c) is the
implementation simply free to treat other values as if they were "normal"?

2. Similarly, for the property "font-weight" should values other than
"normal" and "bold": a) generate an error, b) generate a warning, or c) is
the implementation simply free to treat other values as if they were
"normal"? There is an additional wrinkle here though, as "700" and values
higher are considered "bold".

3. Consideration should be given to adding white-space-treatment,
linefeed-treatment, and white-space-collapse to the list of applicable
properties, so that unwanted linefeed and other white space characters can
be filtered out of the #PCDATA content. If it is not desirable to do this,
it may be helpful to add a comment that treatment of such characters will be
implementation dependent.

Items 1 and 2 may be answered by the use of the term "value space" in the
Working Draft. However, the term does not seem to appear elsewhere in the
WD, and may simply need to be defined. It is unclear to me whether this is a
restriction on the values that the source document may contain, or on the
computed values that the application should use.

For what it is worth, here is a link to relevant comments I have posted in
the documentation for the Foray implementation:

I apologize for not including these items in my previous post. There seems
to be no substitute for actually implementing the thing to find such items
:-) Please let me know if you have any questions.

Victor Mote

Received on Thursday, 24 March 2005 16:59:37 UTC