"color" property for fo:bookmark-title

Dear XSL Editors:

At some appropriate time that is convenient to you, please consider adding
the "color" property to the fo:bookmark-title object.

I realize that a limited content model is desirable for this object.
However, the PDF format has supported color on outline items since version
1.4, and I suspect that many XSL-FO implementations will need to offer this
feature as an extension until it is adopted in the standard. I realize that
PDF doesn't drive XSL-FO, but nevertheless think it is a useful benchmark.
Per my review of the PDF Reference, Fifth Edition (the latest release, for
PDF 1.6, used with Acrobat 7), all other features for outlines in that
format are already covered in the XSL-FO 1.1 draft.

Thanks for all of your efforts in making the Standard such a useful tool.

Victor Mote (mailto:vic@outfitr.com)
Enterprise Outfitters (www.outfitr.com)
2025 Eddington Way
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916
Voice +1 (719) 622-0650, Fax +1 (720) 293-0044

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 00:17:54 UTC