white space handling for fo:bookmark-title [was: "color" property for fo:bookmark-title]

> From: xsl-editors-request@w3.org On Behalf Of Victor Mote
> Sent: Thursday, 24 March, 2005 11:00
> To: XSL Editors
> Subject: RE: "color" property for fo:bookmark-title

> 3. Consideration should be given to adding white-space-treatment,
> linefeed-treatment, and white-space-collapse to the list of applicable
> properties, so that unwanted linefeed and other white space 
> characters can
> be filtered out of the #PCDATA content. If it is not 
> desirable to do this,
> it may be helpful to add a comment that treatment of such 
> characters will be implementation dependent.

The white-space-treatment, linefeed-treatment, and 
white-space-collapse properties are not applicable
to fo:bookmark-title.

What should always happen with fo:bookmark-title
with respect to those three properties is that the
implementation should behave as though these properties
had their initial values:


This results in ignoring generally unwanted whitespace
and is appropriate for bookmarks.

We plan to clarify this in the 1.1 specification.

Paul Grosso
for the XSL FO SG

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2005 19:41:05 UTC